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Piece in 6 parts for Micro-Quartet and Huldur are two manifestations of the same project. The former is a sound installation while the latter is a performance piece.


In 2014, my partner and artist Yenting "Kappa" Tseng and I had an artist residency at SÍM in Reykjavik, Iceland, during which we explored the nation's culture and natural environment, and developed an installation piece for the obligatory group exhibition. Kappa created several found object displays while I devised Piece in 6 parts for Micro-Quartet, which is a 4-channel sound installation. Various field recordings and newly composed musical material were arranged into a 6-part composition, mixed into 4 channels which were driven via piezo discs into 4 different objects, letting the materials of the objects affect the experience with their own unique sound qualities.


From 2015 onwards, we have tried to expand the ideas developed in Iceland into a performance project. I restructured the elements of Piece in 6 parts into a live musical performance accompanying Kappa's object theatre and shadow play performance. The first version of the new piece Huldur (which means 'the hidden' in Icelandic) was performed at ArtAnew Gallery, Taichung, where we also exhibited the installations. A second version of Huldur was created and showcased in the 2017 ADAM (Asia Discovers Asia Meeting for Contemporary Performance) Project.

Huldur - excerpts

Huldur - Song

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