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Excerpt from 'your favorite half-light, your favorite consciousness - Tao Chiang
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My first experimentation with the idea of 'sound-theatre' began in 2012, when Against-again Troupe founder Snow Huang curated 'All That's Left to Happen is Some Deaths (my own included),' a mini-showcase featuring several performances that explore the concept of 'no-man's-theatre' or 'theatre in which the actor is not present.'


Three of these pieces eventually found their way to Macau Fringe Festival and World Stage Design 2013 Scenofest in Cardiff, including your favourite half-light, your favourite consciousness.


This performance situates the audience in someone else's room, while the radio plays, the resident of that room takes a shower. Everything is heard and not seen, while the ambience morphs into music or other dreamlike territory, as we explore the memories and dreams of the person who is absent. Four channels of audio surround the room and suggest various activities that are happening out of sight.


In addition to the performance, this piece has also developed into a sound installation, featuring four postcards that play ambient sounds and music driven through a piezo disc, suggesting the various travels the absent person has undertaken.



I also did sound and editing for the trailer of the mini-showcase in general.

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